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What is Net Zero for Churt?


Net Zero for Churt is a long term programme in support of the part that our village of Churt can play to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels by 2050. Global warming and climate change are global problems  - but the contribution which every single household can make locally to reducing greenhouse gas emissions will add up to a global impact.


On this website, we aim to bring you locally tailored information on opportunities and challenges to help us all to contribute to achieving the Net Zero target.

(see more about this website)


Net Zero refers to achieving a balance between the amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced and the amount removed from the atmosphere. The Net Zero target recognises that there will be still be some emissions but that these need to be fully offset, predominantly through natural carbon sinks such as oceans and forests or even artificial carbon sinks. When the amount of carbon emissions produced are cancelled out by the amount removed, the UK will be a Net Zero emitter.

Net Zero from CCC Report

From the Committee for Climate Change Report

Net Zero The UK's contribution to stopping global warming May 2019

A Charter for Churt

In Churt, we live in an area endowed with an abundance of natural capital assets and an environmental heritage which is a  treasure that we want our children and future generations to continue to enjoy. Churt Parish Council recognises that NOW is the time for more decisive action to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 and to support increased biodiversity in the interests of sustainability, economic, social, and health benefit.  In support of achievement of these targets, Churt has an environmental charter  -  Net Zero for Churt. (See more on the charter)​

Read the Remarks by the Chair of the International Panel on Climate Change during the Opening Ceremony of COP28


Read the reports published by the International Panel on Climate Change

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