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About this website


This website presents locally tailored information and toolsets to help us all in meeting the challenge of reducing our carbon emissions to achieve the Net Zero climate emergency target. It is a long term programme - the deadline is 2050 - but the sooner we get there, the better. 


The website will grow and change through time. Local projects will be launched that we hope you will take part in. We hope that you will share your stories of how you are:

  • reducing carbon emissions in your household or your lifestyle

  • how you are offsetting emissions with tree or hedgerow planting

  • how you are increasing biodiversity in your garden, your field, your farm, your woodland or in a community project

  • using innovative techniques in your gardening or crop growing

  • reducing pollution - of any kind

  • ...and much more​


Email your stories or website contributions to 

The website zones bring you:



Churt Environment Working Group, our Churt Environmental Charter.


Household Focus:
Information, advice and tips on how to reduce emissions in our homes and lifestyle, including energy saving, sustainable gardening, gardening for wildlife, heating, car transport and air travel.​



Air quality, light and waterway pollution plus information on noise and environmental pollution from greatly increased private jet traffic into Farnborough Airport.


Nature Focus:

This section features the pictorial records of Churt News in Nature. It also covers trees and hedgerows, guides for local species spotters and some videos and activity guides for families with children. 



The Countryside Code and a useful carbon footprint calculator so that you can check out your carbon emission start-point  and then track it regularly on your Net Zero journey. Information on grants to help and links to our partners. There's a public transport toolset coming soon. 



Meeting the Net Zero for Churt  challenge involves community volunteering and projects as well as the actions of individual households and by the Parish Council. Our projects are reported here and will continue to grow and evolve over time, Currently covered are our wood (Wicket Wood), Earthday 2021 and 2022 and the Queen's Green Canopy Jubilee Wood.



A revised and digitised version of the "Ten Walks in and around Churt" which  were originally published by Michael Stenning in 1994. T             



News on Net Zero projects, Net Zero success stories and local environmental news in general. 

This website is dedicated to all children with a connection to Churt and especially to those born in February 2021, the month when the website was launched.  Let the action that we take now make a difference to the carbon neutrality of their world in 2050 – and may the countryside around Churt be as beautiful then, as it is today.

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