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Noise and and environmental pollution from increased private jet traffic using Farnborough Airport

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Download the January 2024 newsletter from the Farnborough Noise Group

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Farnborough Airport Expansion Plans

Churt Parish Council Update on 10th October 2023

Churt PC logo

Churt Parish Council has now sent its formal submission to Farnborough Airport Limited (FAL) objecting to their proposals for an expansion of the airport. We have copied our MP Jeremy Hunt. The full text of the objection is linked here.  In summary, our objection is:


If the requested increase in annual flight limits from 50,000 to 70,000 is permitted it would more than double the flight movements FAL has today and it would considerably increase the noise pollution already suffered by Churt residents.

The emissions from these flights (which FAL facilitates) would cause significant harm to the residents and harm to the outstanding natural environment of the Surrey Hills AONB that surrounds Churt, would be a retrograde step in trying to achieve net-zero carbon emissions as well as being incompatible with the aspirations set out in Churt’s Environmental Charter: Net Zero by 2050.


These would be the two most direct impacts on Churt, but as this is a consultation response, we have taken the opportunity to make requests for more information/data which would enable a more effective evaluation of any planning application which is expected to be submitted later this year.


We urge Churt residents to ensure your voices are heard before the consultation closes on Wednesday 18th October as follows:


  • Review the consultation information from FAL at and then review information relevant to the expansion plans at Farnborough Noise Group’s website at  You will find lots of new information on FAL Expansion on  this website linked from the home page ‘Whats new’ box.




  • Consider completing the survey posted here by Rushmoor Borough Councillor Jules Crossley, who represents  local environmental groups on the Farnborough Aerodrome Consultative Committee (FACC) and who will use the results of this survey to assess and communicate local people’s views and concerns. (Rushmoor BC will be the authority to which the  planning application will be submitted.)



Private jet

Farnborough Airport Expansion Plans

– an update from Churt Parish Council

10th September 2023

Churt PC logo

Most Churt households have received a flyer from Farnborough Airport by mail this weekend regarding their expansion plans and inviting them to public consultation meetings. The changes proposed are to increase the permitted number of flights by 40% over the year with a doubling of weekend flights. Currently flight numbers are some way below the permitted maximum, so the increase will more than double current flights over the year. It is also planned to increase the size of aircraft and the hours of operation. These plans will have a significant impact on our village in terms of noise and pollution and especially for those living under the narrow flight paths introduced by recent airspace changes.


Churt Parish Council will be discussing these expansion plans at our September 20th Parish Council meeting and appropriate representations which we will make on behalf of the village in response to the consultation. Local Churt representatives from Farnborough Noise Group will be at the meeting and we will also discuss with our Waverley Councillor David Munro, who is our local representative on the Farnborough Airport Consultative Committee. We will issue a more detailed statement immediately after the meeting.


In the meantime you may wish to:

  • attend the public consultation which Farnborough Airport are holding at the Farnham Maltings on 21st September from 4pm to 8pm (as detailed in the flyer which they have sent you)

  • review information relevant to the expansion plans at Farnborough Noise Group’s website  at

  • consider signing the petition posted by Farnborough Noise Group at

Information on Farnborough Airport airspace changes 

Newsflash 22nd June 2023
Churt Parish Council Response has now been sent to the Civil Aviation Authority

Churt Parish Council has reviewed the Post Implementation Review report submitted to the CAA and has considered representations from the Farnborough Noise Group and the Churt Airspace Change Working Group, as well as individual residents of Churt. We endorse the summary findings in Part 1 of the Farnborough Noise Group paper and, additionally, have made Churt specific comments as our response to the PIR, covering the following topics:


  • Consultation with Churt

  • Complaints from Churt

  • The Churt Gate and Standard Arrival Route (STAR)

  • Low Altitude Flying

  • Noise

  • Respite and Dispersion

  • Air Quality

  • Biodiversity


Summary Conclusion:


Churt Parish Council does not believe that a comprehensive PIR has been undertaken.

We call upon the CAA to amend the previous changes made, and to create a more sympathetic and less disruptive change.


Download the full text of the Churt Parish Council response to the PIR

Post Implementation Review published.

Feedback window open until 26 June.


Most Churt residents  have noticed the massive increase in low-flying aircraft and associated noise since the end of the Covid pandemic. A Farnborough Airport airspace change proposal was approved by the Civil Aviation Authority on 10th July 2018 and was implemented on 27th February 2020.


In April 2022, the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) started a review of the airspace changes new flightpaths. These new flightpaths are shown in the diagram below. 


Farnborough Airport’s Airspace Change Post Implementation Review (PIR) report to the CAA is now published and can be accessed here on the Civil Aviation Authority’s website.

Download the July 2023 newsletter from the Farnborough Noise Group

Download the May 2023 newsletter  from the Farnborough Noise Group

Download the April 2023 newsletter  from the Farnborough Noise Group

Download the slides presented at the public meeting held at Churt Village Hall on 20 September 202

Farnborough Airport Flight Corridors (Red and Blue)
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