About the Churt Environmental Working Group (CHEWG)
CHEWG is a working group of Churt Parish Council. Its membership includes two Parish Councillors and three local residents, invited to join the group based on their local knowledge, experience and passion for developing a biodiverse, low-carbon emitting environment, good for wildlife and the health and well-being of local residents.
Its purpose is:
To guide and where practical, support, Churt’s local response to the global climate change emergency, in support of the vision of a greener, cleaner and more sustainable Churt.
To monitor and initiate appropriate, feasible and practical actions on local environmental matters, including, but not limited to, carbon-emissions, biodiversity, recycling, litter, pollution, trees and hedgerows and footpaths.
The Parish Council may chose to delegate certain environmental decision making to the group, but in general it will make recommendations on climate change and other environmental matters to the Parish Council at its monthly meetings. (Read the full terms of reference for CHEWG)
Meet CHEWG Members
CHEWG members aim to support Churt in achieving Net Zero targets.
Email CHEWG at churtenvironment@gmail.com