Volunteering to protect and enhance Churt's environment
Surrey Climate Commission Grant Success
We were very pleased to be successful in our application to a small grant scheme announced by the Surrey Climate Commission to enable local Surrey community organisations and groups to take action for sustainability and climate change, in line with the priorities within Surrey’s Greener Futures Strategy.

We received funding to purchase a number of tools and protective gloves needed in support of the work which Churt’s scout groups and residents do to enhance biodiversity in Wicket Wood. This work focuses on removing invasive species such as holly which are out-competing other lowland heath species in the woodland and planting broadleaf species. New litter-pickers will also help in keeping the area free of litter.
Richard Essex, Chairperson of the Surrey Climate Commission, said “Communities play a vital part in tackling the challenge of climate change. Through the small grant fund for sustainability, Surrey County Council and the Surrey Climate Commission are delighted to be helping groups across the county accelerate their excellent work for the environment.”
Churt Scouts make a difference - 8 and 15 October 2022

A huge thank you to the group of 1st Churt Scouts and to their leader Carol Ireland who were out again this year volunteering for two October Saturday afternoons in Churt's Wicket Wood. The holly there is seeding itself into every available space, so Scouts worked hard to ensure that it doesn't take over and outcompete other native species. They put a lot of energy into removing a huge pile of seedlings and small holly shrubs and then planted a few native trees of different deciduous varieties which will increase the biodiversity of the wood. Thank you to CHEWG members too for your help.
Churt Cubs contribute to Earthday
on 3 May 2022
Churt Cubs were joined by Hindhead Cubs to increase the biodiversity of Wicket Wood by pulling holly seedlings and bracken so that they don’t out-compete other species. Their work came at the end of a hike around Frensham Great Pond to round off a very active evening. They say that "many hands make light work" and the evidence of just half an hour's volunteering in the wood was very impressive. Thank you to Churt and Hindhead Cubs,

Churt Scouts rise to the challenge - 10 October 2021
A number of Churt’s senior Scouts are working hard to complete their World Challenge Award, for which they must meet seven challenges. One of them is to spend a day volunteering in their local community and finding out about a local nature reserve. A second challenge is to take an active part in a local environmental project whilst a third is to take part in an activity that explores an international issue. The recognition that loss of Nature’s biodiversity is an international issue which must be addressed to ensure a sustainable future for Planet Earth, plus the fact that there is a 12 acre area of woodland belonging to our Churt community which is the subject of an emerging local environmental project meant that volunteering to increase the biodiversity of Churt’s woodland (which is directly off Pond Lane) would tick all three of those particular challenge boxes!
So six of our Scouts spent a busy October Sunday afternoon doing just that. Their work touched on three different aspects to increasing biodiversity: creating new habitat for wildlife and plant life; ensuring that dominant species such as bracken do not outcompete other native plants, thereby wiping out existing or emerging structural diversity; planting additional tree species which are native to the local area but not yet growing in our woodland.
First they worked hard piling scattered fallen pine deadwood into large heaps which will undoubtedly provide a great refuge for invertebrates, reptiles and small mammals like mice. Clearing part of the woodland floor also offers an opportunity for native shrubs to self-seed and grow. This was hot work so a brief rest was necessary before moving on to the second task.
The bracken is taking over in several areas in the wood so some serious effort is needed to keep it under control. We chose an area where it is encroaching on a footpath and launched an experiment; one group cut the bracken and the other group dug or pulled it out, taking as much of the rhizome as possible. We shall wait to see which of these techniques has had most effect on the following year’s growth – recognising that getting the bracken under control is not going to be a short-term project! The small group soon made quite an impact on the bracken in that area – and it has to be said, had some fun cutting, digging and piling it in the process.
The third activity was to select appropriate sites and plant a few native saplings kindly donated to us by the Carbon Footprint organisation. The woodland is predominantly Scots Pine but a recent survey by Surrey Wildlife Trust recorded that penduculate oak, silver birch, rowan, beech, hazel and holly have self-seeded and are now growing as part of the succession in what used to be the old Churt Cricket Ground. We added to the diversity by planting a few whitebeam, wild cherry and dogwood species. Scouts found the planting especially satisfying – even though adding the spiral rabbit guards presented a few dexterity challenges. We will need to keep checking and augment the level of protection as the trees grow.
Thank you Scouts and also Scout Leaders Carol Ireland and Sarah Smith for your hard work to increase the biodiversity of Churt’s wood and thank you Jon Stringer, Jeremy Wylie, Hannah Wills and Brian Johnson for your help.
Read accounts written by the Scouts themselves about this activity:

Churt Litter Pick - 10 October 2021
A massive thank you to everyone who came to the Churt litter pick on 10th October. 17 black bags of rubbish were collected from the roads around the village centre.